
Terms of Service

Chapter 1 General Provisions Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of these terms is to stipulate the rights and obligations, responsibilities, and other necessary matters between the members and the company regarding the use of the service "LoveyDovey" (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”), provided by Tain AI Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”).
Article 2 (Definitions of Terms)
① The definitions of the terms used in these terms are as follows:
"Service" refers to the content, related information, software, etc., provided by the Company to members through wired or wireless access devices.
"Member" refers to a user who agrees to these terms and the provision of personal information, and is granted eligibility to use the service by the Company.
"Content" refers to all materials produced and processed in digital form that are provided to members through the service (text, images, photos, audio, sound, video, etc.).
"Paid Service" refers to the service provided by the Company for a fee, as specified in item 1.
"Access Device" refers to mechanical means such as mobile phones, PCs, tablets, etc., that allow downloading and installing content or using the content through the network.
"Cash" refers to the electronic payment method provided by the Company with specified content and conditions for members to use when purchasing usage rights. If cash is not used within 5 years from the last date the member used the service, it may expire according to the statute of limitations. Cash provided for free may expire according to the Company's policy. Detailed information regarding the purchase of cash can be found in the Company's usage policy, Kakao Electronic Financial Transaction Terms, and the policies of the app market.
"Usage Rights" refers to the electronic payment method provided by the Company with specified content and conditions that members can use to access paid services. Usage rights can be purchased with cash, and details regarding the types and usage methods of usage rights will be informed to members on the screen at the time of purchase. If the usage rights are not used within 5 years from the date of purchase, they may expire according to the statute of limitations. However, free usage rights may expire according to the Company's policy, and the usage period and refund period are limited to within 1 year from the time of payment.
② The definitions of terms used in these terms, except as stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article, follow individual usage terms, service guides, relevant laws, and other general customs.
Article 3 (Posting and Revision of Terms)
① The Company posts the contents of these terms in a way that members can easily check them, such as on the initial screen of the service or in a separate connection screen like a pop-up.
② The Company may revise these terms within the scope of not violating relevant laws, including the "Act on the Promotion of Content Industry," "Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce Act," "Regulation of Terms Act," and "Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection."
③ If the Company revises these terms, it will announce the effective date of the revised terms and the reasons for the revision, along with the current terms, in an appropriate place within the services operated by the Company from 15 days before the effective date until the day before the effective date. However, if the terms are revised in a manner that is disadvantageous to members, the announcement will be made 30 days in advance, and the notice will be sent through electronic means such as the email provided by the member at the time of registration.
If the Company announces or notifies the revised terms at least 15 or 30 days in advance as stipulated in paragraph 2 of this article, clearly stating that “if a member does not explicitly express their intention to refuse the revised terms before the effective date, it is deemed that they have agreed to the revisions,” and the member does not explicitly express their refusal to the change of terms, it will be deemed that the member has agreed to the revised terms.
⑤ If a member does not agree to the application of the revised terms, the Company cannot apply the contents of the revised terms to that member. In this case, the member who does not agree to the revised terms can terminate the service use contract under these terms. However, if there are circumstances where the Company can no longer apply the existing terms to members who do not agree to the revised terms, the Company can terminate the service use contract under these terms for that member.
⑥ These terms are applied from the date the member agrees to them until the member withdraws from the service. However, provisions of these terms that, by their nature, may continue to apply after withdrawal, such as Article 20 (Request for Dispute Resolution) and Article 21 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction), may continue to be valid and applicable between the Company and the member even after withdrawal.
Article 4 (Notifications to Members)
① When the Company notifies members, unless otherwise specified in these terms regarding notification methods, notifications to members can be made through electronic mail, SMS, KakaoTalk, other service pop-ups, announcements, push notifications, etc., as provided by the member at the time of registration.
When the Company notifies all members, it can replace the notification in paragraph 1 by posting it in an announcement or pop-up on the service operated by the Company for 7 days or more. However, for matters that significantly affect the member personally, individual notification to the member (via electronic mail, SMS, KakaoTalk, etc.) must be made according to the notification methods in paragraph 1.
If the member has not provided an electronic mail address, or if it is difficult to give individual notification due to failure to update the address after changing it, the Company considers that the individual notification has been given by posting it in an announcement or pop-up as stipulated in paragraph 2.
Chapter 2: Conclusion of Service Use Contract and Use of Services
Article 5 (Conclusion and Application of Service Use Contract)
① Users wishing to become members must enter into a service use contract with the Company. The service use contract is concluded when the user applies for use by agreeing to these terms and the collection and use of personal information necessary for the provision of the service, and the Company accepts it.
② The Company may restrict service use based on age or membership level in accordance with the "Youth Protection Act" and related laws and/or the Company’s policies and may require identity verification procedures. Additionally, if a member wishes to access content rated as unavailable for those under 19, the Company will verify the member's age and identity in accordance with relevant laws and/or the Company’s policies.
③ The Company will accept the user's application for service use if the user accurately fills in the required information on the member registration screen and completes the authentication process set by the Company, such as verifying the Kakao account email address. However, the Company may reserve the right to accept the user's application for service use or may restrict the member's service use or terminate the use contract (including withdrawal) after acceptance if any of the following occurs, and may claim damages from the member for any losses incurred due to fraudulent applications:
If the user applies for service use using a name that is not their real name or misuses someone else's name.
If the user provides false information on the member registration screen or does not provide the information requested by the Company.
If a user under the age of 14 has not obtained consent from their legal representative (such as a parent) regarding consent to the collection and use of personal information necessary for the provision of the service.
If a minor user wishes to use services prohibited under relevant laws, such as the "Youth Protection Act."
If the user applies for service use for the purpose of disrupting social order or public morals.
If the user resides or stays in a country where the Company has not obtained permission to operate services or applies for service use via an internet address from such a country.
If the user has applied for service use for the purpose of committing a crime or has repeatedly joined and withdrawn from membership within a certain period, clearly indicating that they are not applying for service use for legitimate purposes.
If a user who has previously lost membership due to actions that interfere with the Company’s service provision applies for service use.
If the user loses membership eligibility with Kakao.
If the Company deems that it cannot approve the service use application due to other reasons attributable to the member. ④ For paid services provided by the Company, the user can access them by agreeing to the individual paid service terms and paying the corresponding fees. ⑤ When a user under the age of 19 wishes to use paid services, the Company will take measures to inform the user via pop-up screens, etc., that without prior consent from their legal representative or subsequent confirmation after the conclusion of the contract, the minor user or their legal representative can cancel the service use contract.
Article 4 (Notification to Members)
① When the company notifies members, unless otherwise specified in these terms regarding the method of notification, notifications to members can be made via the email, SMS, KakaoTalk, other service pop-up screens or announcements, push notifications, and other methods provided at the time of membership registration.
② If the company notifies all members, it may substitute the notification in paragraph 1 by posting it in the announcements or pop-up screens within the service operated by the company for more than 7 days. However, for matters that have a significant impact on the member personally, individual notification (via email, SMS, KakaoTalk, etc.) must be made using one of the notification methods in paragraph 1 of this Article.
③ If it is difficult to individually notify a member due to reasons such as not providing an email address or not updating their address after changing it, it shall be considered that the individual notification has been made by posting it in the announcements or pop-up screens in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article.
Chapter 2 Conclusion of the Use Contract and Use of Services
Article 5 (Conclusion and Application of the Use Contract)
① Users wishing to become members must conclude a service use contract with the company. The service use contract is established when the user applies for use by agreeing to these terms and the collection and use of personal information necessary for the provision of services, and the company accepts it.
② The company may restrict service use by age or membership grade in accordance with relevant laws such as the “Youth Protection Act” and/or the company's policy and may require the completion of identity verification procedures. Additionally, if a member under the age of 19 wishes to use content that is not suitable for viewing, the company will verify the member's age and identity in accordance with relevant laws and/or the company's policy.
③ The company will accept the user's service use application only if the user accurately fills out the required items on the member registration screen and completes the authentication procedures set by the company, such as verifying their Kakao account email address. However, the company may withhold acceptance of the user's service use application or may restrict the member's use of services or terminate the use contract (including membership withdrawal) even after acceptance of the application if any of the following reasons occur, and the company may claim compensation for damages caused by the user's fraudulent application:
If the user applies for service using a name that is not their real name or by impersonating someone else.
If the user provides false information on the member registration screen or fails to provide the information requested by the company.
If a user under the age of 14 has not obtained consent from their legal representative (parent, etc.) regarding the collection and use of personal information necessary for agreeing to these terms and the provision of services.
If a minor user wishes to use services prohibited by relevant laws such as the “Youth Protection Act.”
If the user applies for service for the purpose of disrupting public order or morals.
If the user resides or stays in a country where the company has not obtained permission for service business rights or applies for service through the internet address of such a country.
If the user applies for service for the purpose of committing a crime or it is clear that they are not applying for service for normal usage purposes, such as repeatedly signing up and withdrawing membership within a certain period.
If the user has a history of losing membership (withdrawal) due to reasons such as obstructing the company's service provision.
If the user loses membership with Kakao.
Any other reasons where the company deems it impossible to approve the user's service use application due to the user's fault. ④ For paid services provided by the company, users can use the services by agreeing to the individual paid service use terms and paying the applicable service fee. ⑤ In cases where users under the age of 19 wish to use paid services, the company shall take measures to notify them through pop-up screens that the minor user or their legal representative can cancel the use contract if prior consent is not obtained from the legal representative or if approval is not obtained after the conclusion of the use contract.
Article 6 (Provision and Change of Member Information)
① When the company requires members to provide information about themselves under these terms, members must provide truthful information, and they will not be protected from disadvantages arising from providing false information.
② If there are changes to the information provided at the time of membership registration, the member must immediately correct it online or notify the company of the changes through email or other methods.
③ The company is not responsible for any disadvantages incurred by the member or other third parties due to the member's failure to notify the company of changes in the information as specified in paragraph 2 of this Article.
Article 7 (Display of Identity Information and Conditions for Use of Content)
① The company will post the content of these terms, company name, representative name, phone number, fax number, and business registration number in a manner that is easily accessible to members on the service screen. However, the representative's name, fax number, business registration number, and these terms may be made accessible through sequentially connected screens on the service screen.
② Conditions for using paid member services, content usage grades, etc., can be confirmed through individual paid service use terms and each content purchase screen in addition to these terms.
③ In principle, the usage rights purchased by members can only be used for the corresponding content. However, if the company’s policy supports the transfer or trading of usage rights between contents, it may be possible to use them for content other than the specified content, in which case separate guidance will be provided on the sales screens of each usage right.
④ Members may use usage rights only in their accounts in methods specified separately by the company and may not transfer, lend, or sell them to third parties.
⑤ If a member needs consultation regarding the use of purchased content, they may contact customer service.
⑥ Other matters concerning withdrawal of offer, contract termination and cancellation, compensation for damages, and restrictions on content use are governed by other provisions of these terms or the paid service use terms.
Article 8 (Service Hours) ① The Company provides services during hours set by its business policy. Unless otherwise indicated or announced, the Company offers services to members 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The Company will compensate for damages incurred by members or third parties due to temporary suspension of service provision, except in cases where the Company is not at fault or acted intentionally.
② Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of this article, services may not be provided in the following cases, and in such cases, the Company has no obligation to provide services:
When there is a substantial operational reason such as maintenance, replacement, malfunction of information and communication facilities, communication interruption, or regular inspection.
When it is necessary to respond to electronic breaches such as hacking, communication accidents, abnormal content usage behavior by members, or unexpected instability in content services.
In the case of natural disasters, war, emergencies, power outages, equipment failures, communication network failures, or situations that prevent normal service provision due to a surge in service users.
When related laws or government policies prohibit the provision of content services during specific times or in a specific manner, or when services are to be prohibited for specific members.
When there are uncontrollable and inevitable reasons for service interruption due to administrative or judicial actions by national agencies, government organizations, investigative agencies, courts, etc. ③ If the Company needs to suspend paid services due to significant business needs such as division, merger, transfer of business, or deterioration of profitability of the relevant content service, the Company will notify members of this in accordance with the methods set forth in these terms and conditions and compensate members in accordance with these terms or as separately notified. In this case, cash, vouchers, and content purchased using them that were provided to members for free may be excluded from compensation. ④ The Company may change all or part of the service at any time for operational reasons, such as new content and various bug fixes, and does not guarantee continuous provision of completed episodes for ongoing content. Additionally, the Company is not responsible for damages incurred by members due to loss of expected profits resulting from changes in services or loss of benefits not directly provided by the Company. ⑤ The Company may suspend all or part of the service due to technical or operational needs, and in this case, will announce this at least 30 days in advance. However, in cases of critical bugs, server device defects, urgent security issues, or urgent business circumstances, the Company may notify members within a shorter period than 30 days or notify them afterward. ⑥ If a member receives a refund inappropriately by exploiting the app market payment (in-app payment) policy without a basis in laws or terms and conditions, the Company may claim the amount refunded from the member and deduct it from unused goods (e.g., cash, vouchers). In this case, the member will lose the right to use the corresponding unused goods.
Article 9 (Free Serialization Service) ① Members may use the "Free Serialization Service" provided by the Company (referring to a type of service that allows members to freely post content they have created within the scope defined by the Company and enables other members to freely view that content, hereinafter referred to as "Free Serialization Service"). However, depending on the content of the posted material, the content, usage time, and number of uses of the Free Serialization Service may vary based on the member's age or certain ratings for the purpose of complying with relevant laws.
② Members who wish to post content on the Free Serialization Service must clearly specify the available member grade (e.g., suitable for ages 00 and above) in advance according to relevant laws, and all responsibilities arising from inappropriate designation of the available grade lie with the member who posted the content.
③ The Company may take necessary actions such as immediate deletion, temporary suspension, or request to halt posting for any content posted in the Free Serialization Service that is determined to infringe on the rights of others (including defamation, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, etc.), violate laws, or may violate laws, or contains obscene or violent content that is against good morals or public order, or is equivalent to these reasons.
④ Members may enter into a separate contract with the Company regarding the content posted in the Free Serialization Service, and in such cases, the specific details and conditions, including the number of postings and payment for postings, will be determined separately by the contract.
⑤ If a member terminates the service use contract, the content created and posted by the member in accordance with this article may be deleted by the Company. However, please note that posts registered on public bulletin boards by the member will not be automatically deleted upon termination of the service use contract, so please delete them in advance before terminating the service use contract.
Article 10 (Content Generation and Deletion)
① When a member creates an automated AI character using the services provided by the company, the member retains all rights to the character in the relationship between the member and the service. The member also owns all text, images, audio, or video generated.
② The service does not pre-screen automated character generation created by members and acknowledges that AI-generated chats are inherently unpredictable and may produce inaccurate or offensive content. Members should not rely on the accuracy or completeness of the generated content or characters, and the risks associated with this are the responsibility of the member.
③ All content generated through the service may be subject to limitations on the member's use of the service in accordance with the obligations of the member in Article 12, and the service may restrict or delete the member's access to such content.
④ The service may restrict access to or delete content generated through the service if it infringes or threatens intellectual property rights or copyrights, is threatening, offensive, or violent, or denigrates social, physical characteristics based on ethnicity, religion, gender, age, etc., or is deemed unpleasant by the service.
⑤ Content generated through the service will also be deleted if it is for the purpose of deepfake or any form of impersonation, generates political content, or harms the reputation of a third party.
⑥ The service may suspend or delete accounts of users who violate the above provisions to investigate and take appropriate action.
Chapter 3 Obligations of the Parties to the Contract
Article 11 (Obligations of the Company)
① The company shall comply with relevant laws and faithfully exercise rights and fulfill obligations as specified in these terms.
② The company shall not provide the personal information of members acquired during the service provision process to third parties without the consent of the members. However, the company may provide the member's information to relevant institutions without the member's consent in accordance with lawful procedures if required by law enforcement or requested by the Korea Communications Standards Commission.
③ The company shall establish necessary security systems to protect members' personal information (including credit information) to ensure that users can use the services safely and shall disclose and comply with its privacy policy.
④ The company shall ensure sufficient facilities to enable members to use content smoothly, considering the number of users, usage time, etc., and take necessary measures against server downtime and technical errors.
⑤ The company shall have the necessary personnel and systems in place to appropriately address complaints or requests for redress from members.
⑥ If the company recognizes that the same or similar damages continue to occur to other members due to illegal acts or violations of terms by a specific member, the company shall notify members of the occurrence of such damage and the actions they should take to prevent further damage through the initial screen or notice.
Article 12 (Obligations of Members)
① Members must comply with the provisions set forth in these terms, operating policies, usage restrictions, and other regulations established by the company, as well as matters notified to members in advance through pop-up screens, and relevant laws such as the "Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection," "Copyright Act," and "Youth Protection Act."
② Members must not engage in the following acts:
Registering false information when applying for or changing service use or using another member's ID and password, thereby committing identity theft.
Collecting, storing, or disclosing the personal information of other members during the use of the service.
Distributing false information on service bulletin boards for the purpose of obtaining financial benefits for oneself or others or causing harm to others.
Reproducing or distributing content provided by the company without prior consent.
Using the service's screens for commercial purposes in public places, except for personal appreciation of the content provided by the company.
Causing any disadvantage to others, including damaging or insulting the honor of copyright holders or others during the use of the service.
Posting obscene materials or linking to obscene sites on service bulletin boards, or disseminating information, phrases, diagrams, or voices that violate public order and morals through service bulletin boards.
Impersonating others or falsely stating relationships with others during the use of the service.
Posting on service bulletin boards or sending emails to other members by impersonating or misrepresenting the company's employees or operators.
Modifying the service-related programs or websites without special rights granted by the company, or adding or inserting other programs to the service, or changing the information posted on the service.
Intentionally registering or distributing computer viruses or virus-infected materials that cause malfunctions of service-related equipment or disrupt information.
Sharing one’s service account for use by third parties, accessing the service with more devices than specified by the company's operating policies with the same account, or creating more accounts than specified by the operating policies from the same access device.
Creating multiple accounts to access the service with the intention of unfairly receiving cash or use rights provided for free by the company in exchange for participating in events, or to induce or disrupt the use of specific content by writing the same comment in bulk.
Infringing on the intellectual property rights of the company or other third parties.
Unauthorized use of the service for commercial purposes by transmitting advertising information without the prior consent of the company.
Interfering with the company's work or damaging the company's reputation during the use of the service.
Engaging in illegal or inappropriate acts that violate public order and morals during the use of the service.
Other acts equivalent to the above.
③ If there are changes in the registration information provided by members at the time of application for service use, they must immediately update that information. If the registration information provided or updated by the member is inaccurate, or if the member engages in acts that violate the obligations of members specified in paragraph 2 of this article, the company may terminate the service contract with the member or limit or suspend the member's use of the service in accordance with Articles 5 and 16 of these terms.
Article 13 (Advertising Posting and Sending)
① The company can send advertising information through channels such as ChannelTalk, KakaoTalk, SMS, and push notifications only with the consent of the members. Members can refuse to receive advertising information at any time if they do not wish to receive it, and the company will not send advertising information if the member refuses.
② In addition to sending advertising information as per paragraph 1, the company may post advertisements directly or through third parties with whom it has a partnership (hereinafter referred to as “advertiser”) on the service screens, websites, or via email. Members who wish to use the service are deemed to consent to the advertising displayed when using the service.
③ Any communication or transaction through the advertisements displayed in the service, or participation in the advertiser’s promotional activities via the service, is solely a matter between the member and the advertiser. If any issues arise between the member and the advertiser, both parties must resolve it directly, and the company assumes no responsibility in this regard.
Article 14 (Copyright and Other Legal Rights)
① The rights and responsibilities regarding user-generated content created or posted by members while using the service (including characters, posts, nicknames, comments, chats, videos, photos, etc., hereinafter referred to as ‘user posts’) belong to the members themselves.
② Copyright and other intellectual property rights for works created by the company belong to the company, except for user posts and works provided through partnerships with third parties.
③ Members must not reproduce, transmit, publish, distribute, broadcast, or otherwise use the content for which intellectual property rights belong to the company or the providers of such content without prior approval from the company or the providers.
④ Members grant the company permission to use their user posts in the following ways and conditions:
Utilization of user posts for service promotion, including editing and modifying user posts for promotional materials, or using them for covers in printed books.
Use for statistical analysis or research purposes aimed at improving the service, such as utilizing user posts as statistical data for content planning and user environment enhancement. ⑤ The company will not commercially utilize user posts displayed externally, which are not integrated with the service, without the member's explicit consent, and members can delete such user posts at any time. ⑥ If specific user posts are deemed to infringe on the rights of others (including defamation, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, etc.) or violate laws or regulations, or contain obscene or violent content contrary to public morals or social order, the company may take temporary measures (such as deletion, blinding, or content modification) without prior notice to the poster. Afterward, the posts may be deleted or restored based on mutual agreement between the parties and according to applicable laws and/or the company's policies. ⑦ Members whose legal rights are infringed due to user posts displayed within the company's services may request the suspension of such posts and their deletion in accordance with the procedures prescribed by relevant laws, such as the “Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection.” In this case, the company will take necessary actions without delay and notify the member of the results. ⑧ If a member has not logged into the service for more than a year, the company may convert the member's account to a dormant state, separately storing and managing the member's personal information while restricting their service use.
Chapter 4 Withdrawal of Offer, Termination of Contract, and Usage Restrictions
Article 15 (Member’s Right of Withdrawal and Termination of Contract)
① Members can request withdrawal (meaning a refund of unused cash or usage rights) and termination of the service contract (meaning the unilateral expression of intent to terminate the contract and the resulting obligation for the company to refund the member) via the menu on the service page, customer service, or other electronic mail. The company will process such requests without delay and will destroy the member's information as necessary according to the privacy policy.
② If a member has purchased a paid service, they can request withdrawal within 7 days from the purchase date or the date the service becomes available without any additional fee. However, if the company intends to provide services differently from what was previously agreed upon or fails to provide services, the member may withdraw their offer regarding the use of the service within 3 months from the date of payment or within 30 days from the date they became aware or could have been aware of such facts.
③ If 7 days have passed since the purchase of a paid service or the service has been used, or if the value of the goods has significantly diminished, or if there are other reasons restricting withdrawal, the withdrawal may be limited according to the “Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce” and the “Content Industry Promotion Act.” In this case, the company will take actions as prescribed by relevant laws, including prior notification to the member regarding the purchase of paid content.
④ The right of withdrawal under paragraph 2 shall be restricted in any of the following cases:
If the provision of digital content as defined in Article 2 (5) of the “Basic Act on Cultural Industry” has commenced. However, this applies only to the portion of the contract consisting of divisible digital content.
Except in cases where the member has damaged the packaging for the purpose of checking the contents of the goods, if the goods are lost or damaged due to reasons attributable to the member.
If the value of the goods has significantly diminished due to use or partial consumption by the member.
If the value of the goods has significantly diminished to the point that reselling is difficult due to the passage of time.
If the packaging of reproducible goods has been damaged.
If the goods are individually produced at the request of the member, and if recognizing withdrawal would cause significant damage to the business, and this fact has been separately notified before the transaction and consent has been obtained in writing (including electronic documents). ⑤ If a minor purchases a paid service without the consent of a legal representative, the minor or their legal representative may request withdrawal. However, the company may require documentation proving the legal representative status. Withdrawal may also be restricted as provided in Article 6 (3) of the paid service terms. ⑥ If the member has requested the company to remedy defects in the service but the company fails to remedy or correct them, the member may notify the company of the termination of the service contract one month after the request for remedy.
Article 16 (Effects of Withdrawal of Application, etc. and Termination of Contract)
① The company shall, in principle, refund the payment made by the member in the same manner as the payment method used by the member within three business days from the date of receipt of the member's intention to withdraw from the application or terminate the contract. If a refund in the same manner is not possible, the company will promptly notify the member and refund in the manner chosen by the member.
② In cases where the following persons are not the same individual in relation to the execution of paid services for the member, the following persons shall be jointly and severally liable for the fulfillment of obligations regarding the refund of content fees due to withdrawal of application, etc.:
The Company
The person who received the payment for the paid service from the member
The person who entered into a service contract with the member
③ The company shall take necessary measures, such as suspending or canceling the payment, in relation to the member's payment with the payment provider or app market according to the "Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc."
④ If the member violates applicable laws and regulations or these Terms, or if they deliberately or negligently disrupt the normal operation of the company's services or cause damage to the company, the company may terminate the service contract with the member immediately (if it causes significant disruption to the company's service operations or causes significant damage to the company) or after setting a reasonable period for the member to correct the violation, and if a refund is required, the company may refund the amount after deducting any benefits obtained from paid services after the member's registration and a refund fee (the greater of 10% of the refund amount or 1,000 won).
Article 17 (Restriction of Use)
① If a member violates the obligations set forth in these Terms or disrupts the normal operation of the service, the company may notify the member in advance and take measures to restrict the use of the service for the member (including forced withdrawal and suspension of use, hereinafter the same). The company may take action such as deleting posts (text, photos, videos, etc.) of members whose use is restricted, and all responsibility arising therefrom shall rest with the member.
② Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, if the member violates current laws or the degree of violation of these Terms is serious, the company may take action to restrict use immediately and notify the member of this fact afterward.
Article 18 (Compensation for Damages)
① If a member causes damage to the company due to violation of obligations under these Terms or violation of current laws, the member must compensate the company for any damages caused by the violation.
② If the company receives claims for damages or various objections from third parties other than the member due to illegal acts or violations of these Terms by the member while using the service, the member shall indemnify the company at their own responsibility and expense, and if the company is not exempt from liability, the member shall be responsible for compensating all damages incurred by the company as a result.
③ The company is not responsible for any damages incurred by members in connection with services provided for free. However, this excludes damages caused by the company’s intentional or gross negligence.
Chapter 5: Miscellaneous
Article 19 (Exemption of the Company)
① The company shall not bear any responsibility for the inability to provide services due to disruptions in the information and communication network, natural disasters, national emergencies, power outages, the COVID-19 pandemic, and other force majeure situations.
② The company is not liable for service restrictions, deletion of posts, service disruptions, etc., caused by the member's fault.
③ The company is not responsible for any problems arising from information and communication network usage environments or the usage environments of various wired and wireless devices such as mobile devices or PCs used by members, without any fault of the company.
④ The company does not guarantee the reliability or accuracy of the information or data posted by members in relation to the service.
⑤ The company is not responsible for any disadvantages arising from the member's changes to their personal information, etc. (including the account).
⑥ The company is not responsible for any transaction relationships established between members or between members and third parties mediated by the service.
Article 20 (Rules Not Specified in the Terms)
The company may have separate service terms and operational policies in addition to these Terms, and in case of conflict, the separate service terms and operational policies shall take precedence. Matters not specified in these Terms or the interpretation of these Terms shall be governed by the separate service terms and relevant laws, including the "Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.," the "Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions," the "Act on the Promotion of Content Industry," the "Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.," the "Guidelines for the Protection of Content Users," and the "Standards for Consumer Dispute Resolution."
Article 21 (Application for Dispute Resolution)
① The company operates a customer service center to reflect the legitimate opinions or complaints raised by members and to handle such damages.
② In the event of a dispute, the company will take appropriate and prompt measures to reflect the legitimate opinions or complaints raised by users. However, if prompt processing is difficult, the company shall notify the user of the reason and the processing schedule.
③ Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, if no agreement is reached, the member may apply for dispute resolution to the Content Dispute Mediation Committee in accordance with Article 30, Paragraph 1 of the "Act on the Promotion of the Content Industry" for the relief of damages related to content use and dispute mediation.
Article 22 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)
① If disputes between the company and the member are not resolved through the procedures set forth in Article 21 of these Terms, both parties may file a lawsuit, and any lawsuits filed between the company and the member shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea.
② The jurisdiction for disputes arising between the company and the member shall follow the jurisdiction provisions of the "Civil Procedure Act."
Notice Date:
October 15, 2023
Effective Date:
October 15, 2023